Some details make all the difference
A small design detail can greatly enhance our user experience — or profoundly disrupt it. Likewise, a seemingly minor technical detail can allow us to drastically reduce complexity — or, when added, would insidiously cause a number of ugly side effects.
We need you to have great care and love for details. Arguing about the relevance of a seemingly small detail, or the right way to solve a particular problem, naturally comes with vigorous debates. For this very reason, we are committed to foster strong professional relationships with each other. We’re aware, asking you to engage in these kinds of constructive debates is a big ask, but we insist, because getting the details right is a crucial part of what we are here to do, and what we stand for.
Yet, how do we make those choices, which details to fight for and which to leave unchallenged? Here are some of the questions we ask ourselves when facing that challenge:
- Is this the right moment and the right context for a discovery journey? Can it wait?
- Product: Does it unblock or enable the user in an essential way? Does it remove friction?
- Brand: Does it add distinction? Does this bring us closer to understanding or conveying the essence of the brand?
- What are the long-term effects of what we’re about to add or change?